Esdy Writes

About Me

Wanjala is the name, Douglas Wanjala. However, on this particular platform, call me Esdy Wanjala. This is because I consider myself an artist and I noticed a good number of them have different names for this. Who am I not to have one? 🤷 I used to love explaining the genesis of the name Esdy but it reached a point where I find it complete and no need for explaining how it came about.

I like writing my thoughts in whichever form they come. Some are poems, prose, lyrics, and stories among other styles that some generations will probably attribute them to me. 😁 For instance, did you really notice that piece you read and the way it is unique? Of course, you did because of why, I wrote it! 🎓

I don’t have hobbies but a lifestyle of course. If you think my writing, coding, traveling and eating are hobbies please reconsider your thinking. 😉 I just do them. In fact, a lot has changed in the recent past. I am not funny but they laugh and claim I am in the wrong profession. Should we listen to them? Really?

Professionally, I am Douglas Wanjala. Let's see what this space has for us!